2024 Finalists
Matilda Kalvaitytė
From the series Ritual. Forest
80 x 100 cm, oil paint on canvas
“Ritual”: a series of bachelor final creative works.
In this series of five creative works I examined the importance of ritual dances as a unique form of communication between two worlds – the physical and the spiritual worlds – as well as the importance of ritual in order to change unfavorable conditions of people. The aim of the work is to reveal the special relationship between supernatural powers, people and the rites that unite both sides in a pictorial way. In the series of final works, I sought to delve deeper into the importance of ritual as a way of communication, to give emotionality and uniqueness to the expressiveness of painting, and to visually convey the special connection created by ritual. Although ritual dances were an integral part of life for our ancestors, they are not practiced as often nowadays…
In the painting “Forest” I depicted a group of female figures performing a specific “ritual” during a blizzard. With this work, I wanted to emphasize the importance nature, the past, the connections that unite spirits and humanity, supernatural energy that can provide strength, spirituality and determination even in the most difficult times of a person’s life. Any person, regardless of where they live or the time of year, can cultivate connections with their environment, ancestral spirits, or any other deities.